Sunday 11 October 2009

Krishanthy & Monica - view of the Srilankan Prime Minister

Between November 1995 and March 1997, Monica Lewinsky had an intimate relationship with former American President Bill Clinton. She later testified that the relationship involved in the Oval Office and other sexual contact but that sexual intercourse did not occur.

In April 1996, Lewinsky's superiors relocated her job to The Pentagon because they felt she was spending too much time around Clinton. Lewinsky confided in a co-worker named Linda Tripp about her relationship with the President. Beginning in September 1997, Tripp began secretly recording their telephone conversations regarding the affair with Clinton. In January 1998, after Lewinsky had submitted an affidavit in the Paula Jones case denying any physical relationship with Clinton, and attempted to persuade Tripp to lie under oath in the Jones case, Tripp gave the tapes to Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, and these tapes added to his ongoing investigation into the Whitewater controversy. Starr broadened his investigation to include investigating Lewinsky, Clinton, and others for possible perjury and subornation of perjury in the Jones case. Noteworthy for its revelation of Tripp's motivations was her reporting of their conversations to literary agent Lucianne Goldberg. Tripp also convinced Lewinsky to save the gifts that Clinton had given her during their affair, and not to dry clean what would later be infamously known as "the blue dress."

Krishanthyi Kumarasamy

On Saturday Sep. 7, 1996, Krishanthi Kumarasamy, an 18 year old student at Chundikuli Girls' High School went missing, soon after she had taken her first paper at the GCE A/L examination. She was seen by a number of witnesses being taken into custody by Sinhala army personnel at the Kaithady checkpoint, and she disappeared soon after. According to a report published later in the Sri Lanka Sunday Times (Nov 3, 1996),
"She was stopped at the checkpoint and three soldiers allegedly raped her until she fell unconscious. When she revived, according to the confessions, police officers and six soldiers further raped her."
On learning of Krishanthi's detention at the army check-point, her mother, Rasamma (59), who was the vice principal of Kaithady Maha Vithyalayam, accompanied by her son, Pranaban (16), and a neighbor, Kirupakaran Sithamparam (35), went to the army camp, and then they too disappeared.
The same Sri Lanka Sunday Times report said, "Her journey was not only futile but she, her son and neighbor were strangled, cut into pieces and buried in a little hut within the gates of the army camp." Krishanthi's relatives in Colombo, including her older sister, Prashanthi (21), who was staying in Colombo at that time, took up the matter with authorities in Colombo, including President Kumaratunga, but nothing was done as the army headquarters denied the arrests. On Sep 20th, Amnesty International published an Urgent Action Appeal (UA 222/96), and even at this stage the government remained silent. On Oct 23, more than 6 weeks after their disappearances, the Colombo-based Tamil daily Virakesari published the story. Although none of the other newspapers published it, things began to heat up. The matter was raised in Parliament, and all of a sudden the four bodies buried in a shallow grave within the army camp were found.
An eminent lawyer who involved in the Krishanthi’s case also murdered.
The importance of this case lies not only in the horrendous suffering of the individuals involved and the families they left behind, but also in the implications of war crimes and crimes against humanity which still remain to be prosecuted.

Is Srilankan Prime Minister trying relate and compare these two women?
American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's made a remark that the State Department noted that the US government and international human rights groups over the years had detailed, "numerous cases of rape and sexual violence in Sri Lanka, particularly acts committed against women held in detention by the government. The Prime minister of Srilanka responded that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has forgotten the “Monica Lewinsky episode” and should “put her house in order.

1 comment:

  1. what does he mean by that ?
    Clinton did not rape "Monica Lewinsky" that case was diffrent..
    In this case whole family is being raped and killed,,, people of srilanka must reply for this,,,
    I donot know why army people behave like this ?
    even in kashmir sometimes this happens,,

    Govt must act hard on this army peoples,,,


Krishanthy|| சிலேடை||